Fir is a light wood similar to the colour of honey with darker veins, obtained from an evergreen conifer belonging to the Pinaceae family.
It is an easily workable wood, which can be easily painted.

The fir shelves are made in about 10 working days.


Oak, of a brownish colour similar to yellow, with medium texture and straight fibers, is a wood with good hardness, stability, durability and quality, which improve in particularly seasoned wood. It represents the right balance between performance and refinement.

Solid laminated wood with finger-jointed slats.

The oak shelves are made in about 10 working days.


Oak, of a brownish colour similar to yellow, with medium texture and straight fibers, is a wood with good hardness, stability, durability and quality, which improve in particularly seasoned wood. It represents the right balance between performance and refinement.

Thickness 3,2 cm: Solid laminated wood with finger-jointed slats
(about 10 working days)

Thickness 5 cm: Solid wood (about 15 working days)


Iroko wood is obtained from the species of trees called Chlorophora and comes from African countries such as Angola, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and other countries in equatorial Africa. Its colour is quite dark and varies from brownish yellow to green; over time it tends to become even darker. Despite its remarkable hardness, it is very easy to work with and its durability over time is very high.

Solid laminated wood with finger-jointed slats.

The iroko shelves are made in about 10 working days.


Doussié comes from the forests of Central and Western Africa, it is a hard and very resistant wood. The natural colour of this wood has different shades ranging from brown, amaranth, to ocher.
Very resistant to moisture.

Solid laminated wood with finger-jointed slats.

The doussié shelves are made in about 10 working days.


Beech tree grows throughout Europe and is one of the finest woods.
Easy to work, hard and pressure-resistant timber with a pale yellow/pink colour.

Solid laminated wood with finger-jointed slats.

The beech shelves are made in about 10 working days.


Birch offers light colored wood, from yellow to pinkish white. A color that adapts to all environments, a soft color that inspires calm and serenity is a soft wood, even if not particularly light, of medium hardness. Birch wood is particularly elastic and flexible, but at the same time it is quite delicate.

Solid laminated wood with finger-jointed slats.

The birch shelves are made in about 10 working days.


Il tulipier è un legno pregiato originario degli Stati Uniti d'America.

Essendo un legno molto solido, si presta a fornire lunghi tagli netti senza difetti. Le mensole proposte sono in legno massello.

La colorazione varia dal giallo chiaro al giallo brunastro con zone più scure. Ha tessitura compatta e regolare, con fibratura dritta.


BauBuche is a new type of beech wood panel, which gives a completely renewed and modern look to the wood for furniture.

Thanks to the vertical arrangement of the veneers, it has an elegant but very resistant surface.

Its smooth surface ensures excellent results for any type of paint and finish.

The BauBuche shelves are made in about 10 working days.


Our best selling sink shelves are made of cedar wood, with an exceptional quality/price ratio and aesthetics.

Cedar is a large mountain tree, native to the western Himalayas and the Mediterranean basin (Cedar of Lebanon). The resulting plank has soft and sweet veins, with little well spaced marked contrasts, very elegant and sensual.

The cedar shelves are made in about 15 working days.


Walnut is one of the great classics of the woodwork when it comes to fine furniture.

It characterized by dark tones, which during drying process reaches the typical dark brown colour with gray anthracite veins. Suitable for classic furnishings or to give a rustic touch to the environment.

The walnut shelves are made in about 15 working days.


The shelves made of sequoia are very particular and unique, with a reddish brown central part and a white/yellowish side on the side.

Native to northwestern America, sequoia grows wild in southern Oregon and northern California along a narrow coastal strip.

The sequoia shelves are made in about 15 working days.


MDF is the acronym for Medium Density Fibreboard, that is a panel of medium density wood fibers: it is a panel made up of very fine wood fibers linked together by special glues, which make the material extremely compact.

It is particularly suitable for the realization of matt and glossy lacquered shelves, as it is free of undulations that could compromise the final result of the product.

The production of lacquered shelves takes about 20 working days.

On the website it is possible to configure lacquered shelves in any colour of the RAL table, however on request it is possible to ask for Pantone and NCS colours.


Melamine laminate is a panel made of chipboard covered on both sides with melamine paper, a synthetic material made of sheets of very thin paper impregnated with melamine resin.

It is an economical but durable material, resistant to scratches, easy to clean and suitable for all environments.

For cleaning, simply use neutral detergents.

Melamine shelves are made in about 10 working days.


If you would like your shelf to be painted, select one of the available colours. Natural colours and the entire range of RAL colours are available (for lacquered shelves).

The painting cost is 40,00 Euro per square meter.


Choose between matt or glossy finish for your shelf.

The cost of finishing is 40,00 Euro per square meter.


Select a matt or glossy finish for your lacquered shelf.

The glossy finish costs more than the matt finish.


Absolutely recommended! Choose between a water-repellent matt or glossy finish for your washbasin shelf.

The cost of the water-repellent finish is 70,00 Euro per square meter.


The standard bevel is carried out on the three sides of the shelf, above and below, excluding the wall side.

Custom bevel allows you to select the sides of the shelf to be beveled (e.g. all 4).

The bevel has a fixed cost of 5,00 Euro.


The standard bevel is carried out on the three sides of the shelf, above and below, excluding the side supporting the wall.

Custom bevel allows you to select the sides of the shelf to be beveled (e.g. all 4).

The bevel has a fixed cost of 5,00 Euro.


The edging characterizes the edges of the shelf.

The regular edging is characterized by straight 90° edges.

The front irregular edging has three smooth sides with regular edging. On the front side of the shelf there is an irregular border.

It is also possible to customize the edges of the top, indicating the type of edge for each one (regular/irregular).


It is possible to request one cable hole for your shelf (back side).

Indicate all necessary details (position of the hole and dimension).

Each hole has a cost of 15,00 Euro.



The drilling is carried out on at least 1.8 cm of thickness and with a maximum depth of 35 cm.

Holes will be drilled in the back of the shelf for the concealed dowels. The dowels will also be supplied in the necessary quantity according to the length of the shelf (it is also possible to indicate the number of dowels desired).

The diameter of the concealed dowels varies from Ø 9 mm to Ø 13 mm depending on the thickness of the shelf.

The cost for each hole and dowel is 10,00 Euro.


It is possible to request the holes for the washbasin drain and for a possible tap.

Indicate all necessary details (position of the holes and diameter).

Each hole has a cost of 15,00 Euro. A cavity for washbasin has a cost of 40,00 Euro.


Once the order is ready for shipping, the expected delivery times are 24/48 working hours, except for islands and/or areas that are difficult to reach.

The tracking code will be sent by e-mail to track the shipping.


It is possible to select a time slot for the delivery of the order.

It is not possible to indicate an exact day. Delivery is made only on weekdays.

The tracking code will be sent by e-mail to track the shipping.


Collect at our office by eliminating shipping costs.

By choosing the option "Collect at Woodword Milano (Busto Garolfo - MI)", you can collect the products purchased directly at our office, in Via I Maggio, 14/A Busto Garolfo (MI).

Pickup time
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 13:00, 15:00 - 18:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00

Where we are
Via I Maggio, 14/A
20038 Busto Garolfo (MI)



Fir is a light wood tending to the colour of honey with darker veins. Light, tender, resinous, knotty. It offers excellent versatility of use. It comes from trees of the Pinaceae family, present throughout Europe, from the Pyrenees to Russia. In Italy it is very common in the Alps.

It is an easily workable wood, which can be easily painted.

Since fir wood is easy to cut, it was used since the Neolithic age, in the absence of cutting tools, for the construction of boards, tools, pirogues, ships and much more. This modest-looking wood is today, in its simplicity, a pleasant wood for furniture with an excellent quality/price ratio.


Cedar is a large mountain tree, native to the western Himalayas and the Mediterranean basin (Cedar of Lebanon).

In nature it is found at heights of 1500-3200 meters in the Himalayas and 1000-2200 meters in the mountains around the Mediterranean Sea, including the Alps of Northern Italy.

It belongs to the Pinaceae family, whose trunk easily reaches forty meters. Despite this, its particular irregular shape makes it more difficult to work. The resulting plank has soft and sweet veins, with little marked and well spaced contrasts, very elegant and sensual.

Its characteristic intense aroma is much appreciated.


The oak, brown in colour with medium texture and straight fibers, is a wood with good hardness, stability, durability and quality that improves in particularly seasoned wood. It represents the right balance between performance and refinement.

The oak wood comes from trees of the Fagaceae family, which includes the oak, the English oak, the holm oak and the Turkey oak. It is present throughout Europe, America and Asia.

It is a sturdy and strong wood, resistant to temperatures and wear, highly appreciated for its refinement in the construction of fine furniture and barrels for aging wine.

The trees from which it is obtained can live up to 500 years. They contain tannin, a particular sap that gives the oak a very good scent.


The largest living organism on Earth is Sequoia Gigantea Decne, commonly known as the Californian Big Tree. From the related species Sequoia Sempervirens, the commonly marketed timber is obtained, a huge tree that reaches 60-104 meters in height and 3-4.5 meters in diameter.

Native to Northwest America, the sequoia grows wild in southern Oregon and northern California along a narrow coastal strip. It belongs to the Taxodiacee family.

The sapwood of the sequoia is white/yellowish, the heartwood is opaque reddish brown, with distinct growth rings.


Iroko is the indigenous name of a giant tree from the tropical forests of West Africa.

Iroko wood is obtained from the species of trees called Chlorophora and comes from countries such as Angola, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and other countries in equatorial Africa. Its colour is very dark and varies from brownish yellow to green, which tends to become even darker over time. So typically ethnic brown colours.

In Africa it is considered a sacred tree and has been widely used by local peoples, since ancient times, for the construction of houses, piers, boats and much more. The bark is often used in the preparation of various kinds of infusions. In addition, djembè and other musical instruments are built with it.

It is a hard and sturdy wood, resistant to humidity, but despite its high hardness it is very easy to work and its duration over time is very high. The equivalent of teak but with a much better price.


Doussié comes from the forests of Central and Western Africa. Its natural colour ranges from brown to reddish, amaranth, up to ocher with tones that can vary according to the level of seasoning.

Also called Afzelia Spp in botany, it belongs to the Fabaceae family.

Doussié ranks among the hardest and most compact woods, therefore more difficult to process. It is also very resistant to moisture.


Beech grows all over Europe and is one of the finest woods.

It belongs to the Fabaceae family and is the most present forest species in Italy with a total area of over one million hectares. It is also called the "mother of the woods".

It is homogeneous and heavy, without elasticity but very resistant. Hard but easy to work with. Light in colour, almost white, it takes on the well-known pink colour through vaporization and drying.


Birch looks like a light coloured timber, from yellow to pinkish white. A soft colour that adapts to all environments, which inspires calm and serenity.

It belongs to the Betulaceae family and includes over 40 species. It grows throughout Europe, especially from Scandinavia to Siberia, in North America and Mongolia.

It is a particularly popular wood for its striking ivory white colour. It is a soft wood, although not particularly light, of medium hardness. Birch wood is particularly elastic and flexible, yet delicate at the same time.

From the bark, since the Neolithic, a water-resistant glue has been obtained and for many peoples of Northern Europe the birch has a great cultural value, binding itself to many myths and legends.


BauBuche is the new beech wood panel, which gives a completely renewed and modern look to the wood for furniture.

Thanks to the vertical arrangement of the veneers, the BauBuche panels have an elegant but, at the same time, very resistant surface.

As easy to work as a solid wood board, its smooth surface ensures excellent results for any type of paint and finish.


MDF wood represents today one of the most innovative solutions in the sector of interior furnishing materials.

There are many ways to reduce the environmental impact linked to the deforestation of the planet, among these there is the choice of the materials used for the realization of furniture.

Today the use of wood fiber panels is more and more frequent, which allow to obtain a product with excellent quality parameters.

MDF is the acronym for Medium Density Fibreboard, that is a panel of medium density wood fibers: it is a panel made up of very fine wood fibers linked together by special glues, which make the material extremely compact.
Unlike chipboard or plywood, MDF wood lends itself to being worked like solid wood, avoiding the classic crumbling of other materials, thus making this type of wood particularly suitable for the creation of matt and glossy lacquered furnishings, as it is free of undulations that could compromise the final result of the product.

The polyurethane lacquering carried out by us, is the best existing lacquering technique. Through numerous processing steps it allows to perfectly cover the surface of the MDF wood, giving excellent impact resistance, homogeneity, thickness in microns and a smooth surface to the touch free of imperfections. To have the final glossy or matt effect, numerous brushing, sanding and polishing steps will be performed.

On the website it is possible to configure lacquered shelves in any colour of the RAL table, however on request it is possible to ask for Pantone and NCS colours.